Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Umundugba, Nigeria

The closest airport to Umundugba is Sam Mbakwe Airport (QOW). Distance from Sam Mbakwe Airport to Umundugba is 19.5 miles / 31.4 kilometers.

Umundugba – Airports nearby

  1. Sam Mbakwe Airport (19.5 miles / 31.4 kilometers)
  2. Port Harcourt International Airport (46.5 miles / 74.8 kilometers)
  3. Akanu Ibiam International Airport (64.7 miles / 104.1 kilometers)
  4. Warri Airport (86.5 miles / 139.2 kilometers)

Sam Mbakwe Airport (QOW)

Sam Mbakwe Airport is located approximately 12.5 miles / 20.2 kilometers east of Owerri and about 21.0 miles / 33.8 kilometers west of Umuahia. IATA airport code is QOW.

Port Harcourt International Airport (PHC)

Distance from Port Harcourt International Airport to Umundugba is 46.5 miles / 74.8 kilometers. Port Harcourt International Airport is located approximately 11.0 miles / 17.8 kilometers southeast of Elele and about 17.0 miles / 27.4 kilometers north of Port Harcourt. IATA airport code is PHC.

Akanu Ibiam International Airport (ENU)

Distance from Akanu Ibiam International Airport to Umundugba is 64.7 miles / 104.1 kilometers. Akanu Ibiam International Airport is located approximately 4.9 miles / 7.9 kilometers northeast of Enugu and about 18.7 miles / 30.0 kilometers southwest of Eha Amufu. IATA airport code is ENU.

Warri Airport (QRW)

Distance from Warri Airport to Umundugba is 86.5 miles / 139.2 kilometers. Warri Airport is located approximately 7.2 miles / 11.5 kilometers northeast of Warri and about 14.8 miles / 23.8 kilometers northwest of Ughelli. IATA airport code is QRW.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Umundugba

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Sam Mbakwe Airport (QOW)19.531.4
B Port Harcourt International Airport (PHC)46.574.8
C Akanu Ibiam International Airport (ENU)64.7104.1
D Warri Airport (QRW)86.5139.2
E Akwa Ibom Airport (QUO)89.6144.3
F Margaret Ekpo International Airport (CBQ)100.3161.4

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