Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Al Madīd, Yemen

The closest airport to Al Madīd is Sanaa International Airport (SAH). Distance from Sanaa International Airport to Al Madīd is 20.5 miles / 33.0 kilometers.

Al Madīd – Airports nearby

  1. Sanaa International Airport (20.5 miles / 33.0 kilometers)
  2. Hodeida International Airport (117.4 miles / 189.0 kilometers)
  3. Najran Domestic Airport (136.1 miles / 219.0 kilometers)
  4. Taiz International Airport (137.3 miles / 221.0 kilometers)

Sanaa International Airport (SAH)

Sanaa International Airport is located approximately 8.5 miles / 13.6 kilometers north of Sanaa and about 12.6 miles / 20.2 kilometers northwest of Saḩar. IATA airport code is SAH.

Hodeida International Airport (HOD)

Distance from Hodeida International Airport to Al Madīd is 117.4 miles / 189.0 kilometers. Hodeida International Airport is located approximately 3.4 miles / 5.5 kilometers southeast of Al Ḩudaydah and about 28.5 miles / 45.8 kilometers northwest of Bayt al Faqīh. IATA airport code is HOD.

Najran Domestic Airport (EAM)

Distance from Najran Domestic Airport to Al Madīd is 136.1 miles / 219.0 kilometers. Najran Domestic Airport is located approximately 20.9 miles / 33.6 kilometers northeast of Najrān and about 63.5 miles / 102.1 kilometers northeast of Sa'dah. IATA airport code is EAM.

Taiz International Airport (TAI)

Distance from Taiz International Airport to Al Madīd is 137.3 miles / 221.0 kilometers. Taiz International Airport is located approximately 10.4 miles / 16.7 kilometers south of Dhī as Sufāl and about 10.8 miles / 17.4 kilometers northeast of Ta‘izz. IATA airport code is TAI.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Al Madīd

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Sanaa International Airport (SAH)20.533.0
B Hodeida International Airport (HOD)117.4189.0
C Najran Domestic Airport (EAM)136.1219.0
D Taiz International Airport (TAI)137.3221.0
E Jizan Regional Airport (GIZ)152.5245.5
F Aden International Airport (ADE)198.2319.0

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