Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Chí Thạnh, Vietnam

The closest airport to Chí Thạnh is Tuy Hoa Airport (TBB). Distance from Tuy Hoa Airport to Chí Thạnh is 19.6 miles / 31.6 kilometers.

Chí Thạnh – Airports nearby

  1. Tuy Hoa Airport (19.6 miles / 31.6 kilometers)
  2. Phu Cat Airport (46.2 miles / 74.4 kilometers)
  3. Buon Ma Thuot Airport (86.1 miles / 138.5 kilometers)
  4. Cam Ranh International Airport (90.6 miles / 145.9 kilometers)

Tuy Hoa Airport (TBB)

Tuy Hoa Airport is located approximately 3.3 miles / 5.3 kilometers south of Tuy Hòa and about 29.1 miles / 46.8 kilometers south of Sông Cầu. IATA airport code is TBB.

Phu Cat Airport (UIH)

Distance from Phu Cat Airport to Chí Thạnh is 46.2 miles / 74.4 kilometers. Phu Cat Airport is located approximately 17.4 miles / 27.9 kilometers northwest of Qui Nhon and about 36.6 miles / 59.0 kilometers north of Sông Cầu. IATA airport code is UIH.

Buon Ma Thuot Airport (BMV)

Distance from Buon Ma Thuot Airport to Chí Thạnh is 86.1 miles / 138.5 kilometers. Buon Ma Thuot Airport is located approximately 5.6 miles / 8.9 kilometers east of Buôn Ma Thuột and about 54.5 miles / 87.7 kilometers northwest of Ðà Lạt. IATA airport code is BMV.

Cam Ranh International Airport (CXR)

Distance from Cam Ranh International Airport to Chí Thạnh is 90.6 miles / 145.9 kilometers. Cam Ranh International Airport is located approximately 6.7 miles / 10.7 kilometers northeast of Cam Ranh and about 17.2 miles / 27.6 kilometers south of Nha Trang. IATA airport code is CXR.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Chí Thạnh

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Tuy Hoa Airport (TBB)19.631.6
B Phu Cat Airport (UIH)46.274.4
C Buon Ma Thuot Airport (BMV)86.1138.5
D Cam Ranh International Airport (CXR)90.6145.9
E Pleiku Airport (PXU)93.8151.0
F Lien Khuong Airport (DLI)122.1196.5

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