Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Mendrisio, Switzerland

The closest airport to Mendrisio is Lugano Airport (LUG). Distance from Lugano Airport to Mendrisio is 9.9 miles / 15.9 kilometers.

Mendrisio – Airports nearby

  1. Lugano Airport (9.9 miles / 15.9 kilometers)
  2. Milan Malpensa Airport (20.6 miles / 33.2 kilometers)
  3. Linate Airport (32.7 miles / 52.6 kilometers)
  4. Orio al Serio International Airport (37.4 miles / 60.2 kilometers)

Lugano Airport (LUG)

Lugano Airport is located approximately 2.4 miles / 3.9 kilometers west of Lugano and about 13.4 miles / 21.5 kilometers north of Varese. IATA airport code is LUG.

Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP)

Distance from Milan Malpensa Airport to Mendrisio is 20.6 miles / 33.2 kilometers. Milan Malpensa Airport is located approximately 3.7 miles / 5.9 kilometers southwest of Gallarate and about 5.6 miles / 9.0 kilometers southwest of Cassano Magnago. IATA airport code is MXP.

Linate Airport (LIN)

Distance from Linate Airport to Mendrisio is 32.7 miles / 52.6 kilometers. Linate Airport is located approximately 2.4 miles / 3.9 kilometers north of San Donato Milanese and about 3.4 miles / 5.5 kilometers south of Segrate. IATA airport code is LIN.

Orio al Serio International Airport (BGY)

Distance from Orio al Serio International Airport to Mendrisio is 37.4 miles / 60.2 kilometers. Orio al Serio International Airport is located approximately 1.3 miles / 2.1 kilometers southwest of Seriate and about 2.4 miles / 3.8 kilometers southeast of Bergamo. IATA airport code is BGY.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Mendrisio

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Lugano Airport (LUG)9.915.9
B Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP)20.633.2
C Linate Airport (LIN)32.752.6
D Orio al Serio International Airport (BGY)37.460.2
E Brescia Airport (VBS)72.0115.9
F Aosta Valley Airport (AOT)78.3126.0

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