Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Manūjān, Iran

The closest airport to Manūjān is Bandar Abbas International Airport (BND). Distance from Bandar Abbas International Airport to Manūjān is 70.3 miles / 113.1 kilometers.

Manūjān – Airports nearby

  1. Bandar Abbas International Airport (70.3 miles / 113.1 kilometers)
  2. Qeshm International Airport (108.3 miles / 174.3 kilometers)
  3. Khasab Airport (115.6 miles / 186.1 kilometers)
  4. Jask Airport (122.7 miles / 197.4 kilometers)

Bandar Abbas International Airport (BND)

Bandar Abbas International Airport is located approximately 6.4 miles / 10.2 kilometers east of Bandar Abbas and about 19.8 miles / 31.8 kilometers north of Qeshm. IATA airport code is BND.

Qeshm International Airport (GSM)

Distance from Qeshm International Airport to Manūjān is 108.3 miles / 174.3 kilometers. Qeshm International Airport is located approximately 26.3 miles / 42.4 kilometers southwest of Qeshm and about 37.9 miles / 61.0 kilometers southwest of Bandar Abbas. IATA airport code is GSM.

Khasab Airport (KHS)

Distance from Khasab Airport to Manūjān is 115.6 miles / 186.1 kilometers. Khasab Airport is located approximately 0.8 miles / 1.2 kilometers southwest of Khasab and about 32.2 miles / 51.9 kilometers northeast of Ras al-Khaimah. IATA airport code is KHS.

Jask Airport (JSK)

Distance from Jask Airport to Manūjān is 122.7 miles / 197.4 kilometers. Jask Airport is located approximately 93.7 miles / 150.8 kilometers east of Khawr Fakkān and about 95.2 miles / 153.2 kilometers east of Dibba Al-Hisn. IATA airport code is JSK.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Manūjān

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Bandar Abbas International Airport (BND)70.3113.1
B Qeshm International Airport (GSM)108.3174.3
C Khasab Airport (KHS)115.6186.1
D Jask Airport (JSK)122.7197.4
E Bam Airport (BXR)129.6208.6
F Ras Al Khaimah International Airport (RKT)157.3253.1

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