Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Kalāt-e Nāderī, Iran

The closest airport to Kalāt-e Nāderī is Mashhad International Airport (MHD). Distance from Mashhad International Airport to Kalāt-e Nāderī is 53.0 miles / 85.3 kilometers.

Kalāt-e Nāderī – Airports nearby

  1. Mashhad International Airport (53.0 miles / 85.3 kilometers)
  2. Ashgabat International Airport (103.1 miles / 166.0 kilometers)
  3. Mary International Airport (125.0 miles / 201.1 kilometers)
  4. Sabzevar Airport (133.4 miles / 214.7 kilometers)

Mashhad International Airport (MHD)

Mashhad International Airport is located approximately 6.9 miles / 11.1 kilometers southeast of Mashhad and about 40.5 miles / 65.2 kilometers southeast of Chenārān. IATA airport code is MHD.

Ashgabat International Airport (ASB)

Distance from Ashgabat International Airport to Kalāt-e Nāderī is 103.1 miles / 166.0 kilometers. Ashgabat International Airport is located approximately 2.8 miles / 4.5 kilometers northwest of Ashgabat and about 10.1 miles / 16.2 kilometers southeast of Abadan. IATA airport code is ASB.

Mary International Airport (MYP)

Distance from Mary International Airport to Kalāt-e Nāderī is 125.0 miles / 201.1 kilometers. Mary International Airport is located approximately 4.0 miles / 6.5 kilometers northeast of Mary and about 14.8 miles / 23.8 kilometers west of Bayramaly. IATA airport code is MYP.

Sabzevar Airport (AFZ)

Distance from Sabzevar Airport to Kalāt-e Nāderī is 133.4 miles / 214.7 kilometers. Sabzevar Airport is located approximately 5.7 miles / 9.2 kilometers southwest of Sabzevar and about 63.0 miles / 101.4 kilometers south of Esfarāyen. IATA airport code is AFZ.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Kalāt-e Nāderī

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Mashhad International Airport (MHD)53.085.3
B Ashgabat International Airport (ASB)103.1166.0
C Mary International Airport (MYP)125.0201.1
D Sabzevar Airport (AFZ)133.4214.7
E Bojnord Airport (BJB)139.6224.6
F Herat International Airport (HEA)237.3381.9

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