Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Kailu, China

The closest airport to Kailu is Tongliao Airport (TGO). Distance from Tongliao Airport to Kailu is 50.1 miles / 80.7 kilometers.

Kailu – Airports nearby

  1. Tongliao Airport (50.1 miles / 80.7 kilometers)
  2. Chaoyang Airport (146.7 miles / 236.2 kilometers)
  3. Chifeng Yulong Airport (148.9 miles / 239.7 kilometers)
  4. Holingol Huolinhe Airport (158.6 miles / 255.2 kilometers)

Tongliao Airport (TGO)

Tongliao Airport is located approximately 5.1 miles / 8.1 kilometers southwest of Tongliao and about 65.6 miles / 105.6 kilometers west of Zhengjiatun. IATA airport code is TGO.

Chaoyang Airport (CHG)

Distance from Chaoyang Airport to Kailu is 146.7 miles / 236.2 kilometers. Chaoyang Airport is located approximately 2.5 miles / 4.1 kilometers southwest of Chaoyang and about 25.0 miles / 40.2 kilometers southwest of Beipiao. IATA airport code is CHG.

Chifeng Yulong Airport (CIF)

Distance from Chifeng Yulong Airport to Kailu is 148.9 miles / 239.7 kilometers. Chifeng Yulong Airport is located approximately 3.7 miles / 5.9 kilometers southwest of Chifeng and about 10.4 miles / 16.7 kilometers northeast of Mujiayingzi. IATA airport code is CIF.

Holingol Huolinhe Airport (HUO)

Distance from Holingol Huolinhe Airport to Kailu is 158.6 miles / 255.2 kilometers. Holingol Huolinhe Airport is located approximately 135.5 miles / 218.1 kilometers west of Ulanhot and about 164.3 miles / 264.4 kilometers west of Guangming. IATA airport code is HUO.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Kailu

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Tongliao Airport (TGO)50.180.7
B Chaoyang Airport (CHG)146.7236.2
C Chifeng Yulong Airport (CIF)148.9239.7
D Holingol Huolinhe Airport (HUO)158.6255.2
E Baicheng Chang'an Airport (DBC)160.4258.1
F Jinzhou Bay Airport (JNZ)171.8276.5

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