Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Cuihua, China

The closest airport to Cuihua is Zhaotong Airport (ZAT). Distance from Zhaotong Airport to Cuihua is 29.2 miles / 47.0 kilometers.

Cuihua – Airports nearby

  1. Zhaotong Airport (29.2 miles / 47.0 kilometers)
  2. Yibin Wuliangye Airport (87.5 miles / 140.8 kilometers)
  3. Xichang Qingshan Airport (103.8 miles / 167.0 kilometers)
  4. Liupanshui Yuezhao Airport (104.2 miles / 167.7 kilometers)

Zhaotong Airport (ZAT)

Zhaotong Airport is located approximately 2.4 miles / 3.9 kilometers east of Zhaotong and about 44.2 miles / 71.1 kilometers northwest of Weining. IATA airport code is ZAT.

Yibin Wuliangye Airport (YBP)

Distance from Yibin Wuliangye Airport to Cuihua is 87.5 miles / 140.8 kilometers. Yibin Wuliangye Airport is located approximately 8.7 miles / 14.0 kilometers northwest of Yibin and about 30.2 miles / 48.6 kilometers northwest of Xunchang. IATA airport code is YBP.

Xichang Qingshan Airport (XIC)

Distance from Xichang Qingshan Airport to Cuihua is 103.8 miles / 167.0 kilometers. Xichang Qingshan Airport is located approximately 8.0 miles / 12.9 kilometers northwest of Xichang and about 103.9 miles / 167.3 kilometers north of Dadukou. IATA airport code is XIC.

Liupanshui Yuezhao Airport (LPF)

Distance from Liupanshui Yuezhao Airport to Cuihua is 104.2 miles / 167.7 kilometers. Liupanshui Yuezhao Airport is located approximately 9.1 miles / 14.6 kilometers east of Liupanshui and about 49.0 miles / 78.8 kilometers east of Weining. IATA airport code is LPF.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Cuihua

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Zhaotong Airport (ZAT)29.247.0
B Yibin Wuliangye Airport (YBP)87.5140.8
C Xichang Qingshan Airport (XIC)103.8167.0
D Liupanshui Yuezhao Airport (LPF)104.2167.7
E Bijie Feixiong Airport (BFJ)104.3167.8
F Luzhou Lantian Airport (LZO)121.2195.1

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