Closest Airport to

Nearest Airport to Ngchemiangel, Palau

The closest airport to Ngchemiangel is Roman Tmetuchl International Airport (ROR). Distance from Roman Tmetuchl International Airport to Ngchemiangel is 7.2 miles / 11.5 kilometers.

Ngchemiangel – Airports nearby

  1. Roman Tmetuchl International Airport (7.2 miles / 11.5 kilometers)
  2. Yap International Airport (284.7 miles / 458.1 kilometers)
  3. Rendani Airport (577.5 miles / 929.4 kilometers)
  4. Tandag Airport (579.5 miles / 932.7 kilometers)

Roman Tmetuchl International Airport (ROR)

Roman Tmetuchl International Airport is located approximately 549.3 miles / 884.0 kilometers east of Manay and about 566.9 miles / 912.3 kilometers east of Bislig. IATA airport code is ROR.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Map of airports near Ngchemiangel

AirportDistance (miles)Distance (km)
A Roman Tmetuchl International Airport (ROR)7.211.5
B Yap International Airport (YAP)284.7458.1
C Rendani Airport (MKW)577.5929.4
D Tandag Airport (TDG)579.5932.7
E Kornasoren Airport (FOO)580.5934.2
F Marinda Airport (RJM)601.3967.7

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